Guide for Author

Writing Guidelines on INASUA: Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Perikanan

To access the Author Guidelines in Indonesian please click Panduan Penulisan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

To make articles published on INASUA: Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, writers must consider several guidelines, as follows:


General Article Format

  • The articles to be submitted must be articles that have never been published or sent anywhere.
  • Every article to be submitted to INASUA: Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Perikanan is permitted to be written in Indonesian / English.
  • Manuscripts are at least 5 pages long and typed in MS. Word, 1 column, 1.5 spacing, Cambria font, 11 font size, with A-4 paper format, and normal margins (1 "on each side)
  • Before submitting, format your article by providing a number on each line of “Line Numbers” (Click Layout → Line Numbers → Continuous), or use the existing template to type your article. Templates can be downloaded via. This is to facilitate the peer review process
  • To be able to submit articles online, you first need to register as an "author" through
  • Your article needs to be submitted online with a login process after you register via
  • Articles posted in this journal include research related to the Fishery Product Technology involve Fishery Product Technology involve handling and postharvest processing, microbiology, quality product and Biotechnology.
  • Manuscripts are typed by considering the use of standard language, punctuation, and spelling in accordance with the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI). See


Contents of the Manuscript

  • Title: Title as short as possible, specific and informative with an English translation. Title is written in capital letters, in bold, middle position, Cambrian font 14. Under the title in Indonesian, the translation of the title in English is given in italics.
  • Author Name (s) and Affiliation: Author's name is written without title in capital letters at the beginning of the name, in bold, in the middle, in Cambrian font. Equipped with the name of the agency and e-mail for the corresponding author in Cambria 10 font, space 1. Correspondence author is marked with an asterisk.
  • Abstract: Abstract in Indonesian and English with maximum 8 words. Abstract contains the background, objectives, methods and research results and does not exceed 250 words. The word "Abstract" is written in capital letters, centre position, Cambria 10 font, space 1. The word "Keywords" is written in capital letters at the beginning of the word, Cambria 10 font, is given a colon, arranged in alphabetical order.
  • Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords in English / Indonesian with very clear meanings. Keywords are separated by commas (,).
  • Introduction: The introduction contains background, problems, problem formulations, summaries of theoretical studies, scientific reviews related to titles based on current references, and research objectives.
  • Material and Methods: Materials and tools are the main focus of research by including product name, purity, and brand of ingredients, experimental design, research procedures, data analysis.
  • Results and Discussion: Data is displayed in tables or figures. Arranged sequentially, integrated and coherent. Data are described and can be compared with the results of previous studies and related references. The data in the table is also added with the standard deviation behind it. The results and discussion sections are arranged according to the parameters analysis in the study. The decimal sign in the text uses a comma (,). Titles and contents of tables and figures are made in Indonesian and English.
  • Images: Images must be numbered sequentially (e.g., Figure 1, etc.). Captions must be centred and placed below the image.
  • Tables: Tables should be arranged sequentially (e.g., Table 1, etc.). The title of the post must be (centre alignment) and placed on top, like the following example.
  • Mathematical Formulas: Mathematical formulas must be numbered and clearly presented using Microsoft Equation.
  • Conclusion: The conclusions are written concisely and clearly and answer the title, objectives and research results. Suggestions are to the results of the study.
  • Acknowledge: Thanks, do not always have to be. Thank you note is written clearly and concisely to whom the greeting is addressed.
  • References: Every source used in the text must be included in the reference. And all references are included in the body of the text. References is written using the number system and compiled using Mendeley software. Bibliography referred to at least 80% of the primary literature (Journal).