Caulerpa sp and banana “tongka langit” are local food ingredients that have the potential to be developed into various processed products. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of panelists' preference for lat seaweed and banana tongka langit jam with the addition of different sugar concentrations. The main ingredients used in making jam are lat seaweed, tongka langit banana and sugar. The method used in this research is the experimental method, the treatment tried is lat seaweed jam and banana tongka langit with the addition of sugar with a sugar concentration of 200 grs (A1), 250 g (A2), and 300 g (A3). The panelists who conducted the assessment were 15 half-trained panelists using a hedonic scale of 9 to 1. Panelists' assessment data was recapitulated using Microsoft Office Excel (Microsoft Inc. USA) and analyzed descriptively. The color, aroma, texture and taste characteristics of jam products that were highly liked by the panelists were lat seaweed jam and sky tongka banana with 300 g (A3) of sugar added treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Theodora E. A. A. Matrutty, Eirene Grace Fransina, Paulus Rubyo Rumlus Idi, Hizkia Jaftian Sitania, Alfonsina Marthina Tapotubun

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