Body scrub is one of the popular cosmetics for skin health and beauty care, through the process of removing dirties and dead skin. In this study, an experiment was conducted on making traditional body scrubs with the substitution of Euchema cottonii powder that contain of antioxidants for skin health and beauty to rice flour. The aim of the study was determine the physicochemical characteristics of E. cottonii body scrubs. The treatments performed in this study were substitution of E. cottonii for rice flour at 0% (A1); 10% (A2); 20% (A3); 30% (A4); 40% (A5) and 50% (A6) in 100 g of body scrub. In addition, 5% salt and 5% cinnamon powder were added as fragrance and mold growth inhibitor. Organoleptic test showed that the panelists had the highest response to the texture and aroma of the body scrub with 10% and 50% substitution of E. cottonii powder for rice flour. The results of laboratory testing showed that the body scrub with 50% E. cottonii powder substitution for rice flour was the best with 9.29% moisture,pH value of 5.8 and antioxidant activity of 199.47 ppm.
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