Smoking is a fish processing method that can produce a distinctive taste, aroma and color in the product. This study aims to determine the chemical and organoleptic quality of traditional smoked scad fish (Decapterus sp) from several pelauw village processing traders. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Basic Chemistry, University of Pattimura, Ambon, Laboratory of Fisheries Product Technology and Pelauw Village, using the experimental and exploratory method. The sample used in this study was the Traditional Smoked Scad Fish from Pelauw Village which was taken directly from Pelauw Village and a proximate test was carried out using two treatments, each with two replications. The treatments used were pick from two traders. Parameters tested were moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content and organoleptic tests. The results showed that the water content of trader A was less than that of trader B, and the protein content of trader A was higher than that of trader B. Traditional smoked flying fish from traders A and B had an equally bright appearance, the smoke color was evenly distributed, the texture was strong and delicious taste of fish with the addition of spices with different doses. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the water, fat, ash and protein content complies with the SNI standards for smoked fish.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Johanna Tupan, Esterlina. Esterlina. E. M. Nanlohy, Dalesi Latuconsina

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