Mackerel is a fish that has important economic value. This fish, apart from containing a high nutritional composition such as protein, vitamins and minerals, also contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. The high protein content of mackerel can be utilized as a protein hydrolyzate. Fish protein hydrolyzate is produced from the process of breaking down fish protein into simple peptides and amino acids through hydrolysis by enzymes, acids or bases. The aim of the study was to determine the chemical composition and amino acid profile of mackerel meat protein hydrolyzate. The method used in this study is the experimental method (experiment). The chemical composition of fresh mackerel and hydrolyzate were protein 5.34% and 20.80%, fat 17.75% and 7.56%, water 74.76% and 67.56%, ash 1.34% and 1.46%, carbohydrates 0.8% and 2.62%. The results of the analysis of amino acids produced 17 types of amino acids consisting of 9 types of essential amino acids and 8 types of non-essential amino acids. The highest essential amino acid was lysine at 12.65% and the lowest was methionine at 1.49% while the highest non-essential amino acid content was glutamic acid at 11.20% and the lowest was cysteine 0.20%.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Max R. Wenno, Jusuf Leiwakabessy, Martha L. Wattimena, Sherly Lewerissa, Imelda K. E. Savitri, Bernita br Silaban, Ester E. E. M. Nanlohy, Joganna Tupan

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