Profiling an Ideal Teacher

Voices from Indonesian Vocational High School Students

  • Ade Rianti
  • Arini Nurul Hidayati
  • Dede Pertamana
  • Agis Andriani
  • Fuad Abdullah
Keywords: indonesian vocational high school, ideal teacher


The article presents the perceptions of Indonesian vocational high school students in defining an ideal teacher; what makes a teacher good and bad. This qualitative study employs in-depth interviews to obtain the data. The findings informed that an ideal teacher is the one who builds a positive relationship with the students, for instance, having an individual consideration, easy going, having a deep empathy, motivating, performing comprehensible teaching, enthusiastic, humorous, assertive, humble and patient. Moreover, this type of teacher will also be far from being injustice, antipathy, irresponsible, authoritarian, and short-tempered. Some pedagogical implications are
implicitly discussed.



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How to Cite
Rianti, A., Hidayati, A., Pertamana, D., Andriani, A., & Abdullah, F. (2020). Profiling an Ideal Teacher. Koli Journal : English Language Education, 1(2), 65-74.