Author Guideline

Manuscripts submitted to KOLI Journal of English Language Education should follow the guidelines:

1. For submission, the author should register to KOLI Journal

2. KOLI Journal accepts articles on English Language Teaching and Learning, linguistics, and literature that have not been published elsewhere.

3. The manuscript should be between 3.500-8.000 words, typed in MS Word doc. format, using A4 size paper, single space, and 12-pt Times New Roman font. The manuscript should comprise main headings: Introduction, Literature Review (Optional), Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

4. The title of the manuscript must represent the content of the manuscript.

5. The abstract should be between 150 and 300 words. The text of the abstract section should be in 12-pt Times New Roman font.

6. The references should be presented alphabetically and chronologically, and be written following the APA style.

7. The author must use the template provided and meet the formatting requirements.