Mapping of the Transportation Sector in Maluku Province Using Biplot Analysis

Zeth Arthur Leleury, Jefri Esna Thomas Radjabaycolle, Venn Y. I. ilwaru, Lexy Jansen Sinay, Abraham Z. Wattimena


Prediction of Divorce Data in Pamekasan District Based on Comparison of Exponential Smoothing and Moving Average

Ira Yudistira, Siti Romlah, Tony Yulianto, Faisol faisol, M.Fariz Fadillah Mardianto


Exploring the Lazy Witness Complex for Efficient Persistent Homology in Large-Scale Data

Mst Zinia Afroz Liza, Md. Al-Imran, Md. Morshed Bin Shiraj, Tozam Hossain, Md. Masum Murshed, Nasima Akhter


The Total Disjoint Irregularity Strength of a Double and Triple Star Graphs

Meilin Imelda Tilukay, Tasya I. Titawanno, Ms., Zeth Arthur Leleury, Mr, Pranaya Dharia M. Taihutu, Luvita Loves
