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PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL is a scientific journal that was first published by the Communication Science Study Program-Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Pattimura University. The first Publication in the Electronic version 2830-473X, based on the Decree of LIPI 0005.2830473X/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.06 on 29th of June 2022. And also PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL has been registered with ISSN: 2962-7230(Print) based on the LIPI Decree No. 0005.29627230/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.08. on 02th of August 2022, start from Volume 1 issue 1, 2022.
“Pattimura” is a from Hero Maluku, has greatly increased every year starting from 2022 to 2024 . The year 2022 published 2 issues published totaly 13 articles , 2023 2 issues published totaly 17 articles, and then 2024 2 issues published with 7 articles per issue. PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNALis published in June,and December. This journal was created and initiative by a lecturer in Communication Department named Ronald Alfrede. He was also the first Chairman (editor in chief) from 2022 until now.
The focus or scope of the PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL as a scientific publications from various topic in communication science. The journal is an interdisciplinary space the accomodates this research reletad to communication and media which include interpersonal communication, marketing communication, public relations, advertising, political economy of communication, cultural studies, media literacy, political communication, cultural communication, organizational communication, government communication, mass media, gender, film studies, broadcasting studies, new media, communication and policy.
In August 2022 the PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL apply for the accreditation process to the ARJUNA, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher education, Republic of Indonesia.
The number of authors' interest in publishing articles in PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL has greatly increased every year according to the data of number of issue and number of article have been published, like the following:
PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL is published 2 (two ) times a year in June and December.
PATTIMURA COMMUNICATION SCIENCE JOURNAL has been currently indexed by such as: Google Scholar, GARUDA Kemenristekdikti, Crossref DOI, Index Copernicus, Dimensions.