Penentuan Alternatif Lokasi Gudang Akhir Rumput Laut Dengan Metode Center of Gravity dan Point Rating (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat)

  • D. B. Paillin
  • Melkias Thony Dasfordate Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Center of Gravity, Point Rating, Analitical Hierarchy Process, Rating Liberatore Scale


Warehouse is the basic of national logistic strategy. This research aims to determine an optimal location of an seaweed- end warehouse. We use two methods, Center of Gravity and metode Point Rating, which is aplicated to Analitical Hierarchy Process method with Rating Liberatore scale. This research arranges to select 3 potential location: Dusun Airpessy, Dusun Wael, and Dusun Kotania. Calculation results of those methods recomandate a same optimal location, Dusun Airpessy.


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How to Cite
Paillin, D. B., & Dasfordate, M. T. (2012). Penentuan Alternatif Lokasi Gudang Akhir Rumput Laut Dengan Metode Center of Gravity dan Point Rating (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat). ARIKA, 6(2), 115-124. Retrieved from