Open Invitation as a Writer at Cita Ekonomika: Journal of Economics (CitEk)

We invite all academics, researchers, or activists throughout Indonesia to submit scientific articles and research results in the field of Economics, both in the fields of Development Economics, monetary economics, public economics, environmental economics, international trade, and other relevant economic studies to the editorial team of the Cita Journal. Economics. For writers who will register scientific articles with our Editor Team. Please follow the procedure below.

Make sure your scientific articles comply with our writing guidelines,
1. Create an account as an author on the Register page
2. Fill in your complete personal data information to get an account at our OJS JIET.
3. Click New Submission on your account page
4. Do the submission of your scientific articles according to the procedure
5. If you have finished collecting articles online, the next process (review, feedback review to publicity) will be carried out on each author's account at our OJS.
6. If you have questions, please contact our Contact.