The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction of Dimsum Ratu Tulungagung
The development of fast food restaurants is very much encountered especially in Indonesia in this increasingly sophisticated era. Therefore, competing in the fast food business is very tight and is required to follow the pattern of technological developments and times. Service quality is a major factor in the success of a company and can also affect customer satisfaction because of the interaction between consumers and companies that can work together. In addition to service quality, price perception also affects customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction at Dimsum Ratu Tulungagung. The data collection method used in this study is a questionnaire and data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of the t-test research proved that (Service Quality X1) tcount > ttable (7.003 > 1.98472) and (Price X2) tcount > ttable (4.998 > 2.00856) it can be partially concluded that "there is an influence on service quality and price. on customer satisfaction at Dimsum Ratu Tulungagung". The F test shows that the value of Fcount (305.815) > Ftable (3.94). This shows that there is a positive influence of service quality and price variables on customer satisfaction at Dimsum Ratu Tulungagung. R2 is 0.860 or the effective contribution of the two independent variables, namely 86% of customer satisfaction and 14% is explained by other variables not examined.
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