The application of acids in food processing has an important role due to its antimicrobial activities. Likewise, acid derivation of palm nera has been widely used by the community in handling fish to maintain its freshness, however the research concerning its effect on fish has not been conducted yet. This study aims to analyze the application of palm nera (Arenga pinnata) in maintaining the quality of fresh Gnathanodon speciosus during storage. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the treatment of fermented palm nera (A) had a significant effect on the TMA value, and had a very significant effect on the pH value, while the treatment of storage time (B) had a very significant effect on the TMA and pH values. The interaction of treatment A and B has a very significant effect on the pH value. The results of the Friedman test showed that the interaction of treatment A and B had a very significant effect on the odor, texture and appearance of fresh fish. The conclusion is the fresh fish treated by fermented palm nera and stored during 9 days obtained the best quality based on objective (TPC, TMA, pH) and subjective parameters.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Martha I Wattimena, Dwigth Soukotta, Max R Wenno, Yudi Mantol

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