A part of fish flesh denaturation was caused by the formation of metmyoglobin, which resulted brownish color. Carbon monoxide (CO) and filtered smoke (FS) will react myoglobine to establish carboximyoglobine the stable form of red figment of tuna flesh. The purpose of this study was to determine the myoglobin changes of tuna flesh by treated CO and FS during frozen storage. The research method was an experimental where the tuna (Thunnus albacores) loin was sprayed by CO and FS, then kept at frozen storage during 4 weeks. Observations carried out at 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. The surveillance parameters were: myoglobin content, color and protein profile of tuna loin. The result showed the myoglobin content of tuna loin during storage at 0, 1,2, 3, and 4 week were 31.34 mg%, 29.05 mg%, 31.25 mg%, 36.28mg% and 41.01 mg% respectively, while FS were 18.42 mg%, 20.82 mg%, 24.32 mg%, 34.72 mg% and 52.48mg% respectively. According to the color analysis of tuna loin treated by CO and FS, it indicated that the brightness value L* of the tuna loin treated by CO during storage at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 week were 26.33; 43.67; 36; 24.33; and 20.33 resvectively and treated by FS there were 30; 42; 37; 27, 25,and 67 resvectively. The red color based on a * and b * values calculated by oHue, of the tuna loin treated by CO during storage at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 week were 47.26; 55.41; 54.42; 46.52; and 42.09 respectively and the tuna loin treated by FS were 50.57; 55.82; 55.61; 50,81 and 40,47 respectively. It concluded that both tuna loin treated by CO and FS classified as red color. Profile of tuna loin protein treated by CO and FS obtained 2 bands indicated by molecular weights of 100.92 kD and 52.05 kD.The myoglobin content of tuna treaded by CO and FS during storage increased so it categorized as a good quality.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Cindy R. M. Loppies, Daniel A. N. Apituley, Raja B. D. Sormin, Beni Setha

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