This study aims to determine the proximate and total bacterial of dry salted scad fish (Decapterus sp.)
dried using a closed solar drying sistem. The research method begins with fish weed in ‘butterfly’ then
washed using flowed water and immersed in 15% salt solution for 30 minutes. The drying method was a
closed sun drying cabinet sistem, with 3 drying racks named Rack 1, Rack 2 and Rack 3 starting from the
bottom. The dried salted fish was analyzed its proximate consisting of moisture content, ash content, fat
content and protein content, as well as bacterial tests using Total Plate Count (TPC). The results showed
that the proximate values on Rack 1, Rak2, and Rack 3 were water content of 25.58%, 20.39%, and
17.80% respectively; ash content of 9.64%, 9.69% and 7.71% respectively, fat content 8.08%, 11.40%
and 15.16%, respectively and protein content 53.73%, 58.10%, and 59.11%. respectively. Meanwhile,
the total plate count (TPC) value of dried salted layang fish (Decapterus sp) on Rack 1, Rak2, and Rack 3
was 2.73 log x CFU / g or 5.4 x 102 CFU / g, 2.74. logx CFU / g or 5.5 x 102 CFU / g, and 2.74 logx CFU / gr
or 5.9 x 102 CFU / gr, respectively. The best place to put fish in the dryer is on Rack 3 as this is indicated
by the low moisture content. The TPC value was still within the value limit required by the SNI.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Raja B. D. Sormin, Edir Lokollo, Febe F. Gaspersz, Vicko F. J. Tahalea

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.