Gel or jelly can be defined as semi-solid material which consists of suspension derived from either small organic particles or large organic molecules, and then is penetrated by a liquid of which its dispersal medium is limited by a three-dimensional texture from dissolved particles or macro-molecules at dispersion phase. Carrageenan and sago starch have similar properties, such as a component of gelling, stabilizer and gelatin agent, as a consequence, the substances are widely utilized in industries, for instance, food, pharmacy, cosmetics, printing and textile. Combined materials used in producing air freshener gels significantly affect the product, and synergic effects are highly expected from the gels that have high gel strength yet low syneresis. Additionally, because the gels are made of natural ingredients, they are environmentally friendly.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adrianus O. W. Kaya, Martha L Wattimena, Esterlina E. E. M. Nanlohy, Sherly Lewerissa

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