One of marine products that is potentially managed in Aru Regency is rebon shrimps. In Namara, a village in Aru Regency, rebon shrimps are processed into shrimp paste. The process is following several steps. Firstly, the dry and wet shrimps are mixed by the ratio of 1:1, and then the shrimps are pounded to form paste by using wooden mortars. The next step, the paste is fermented at room temperature for one week to two weeks before it is molded. After that, the mold paste is dried for approximately two to three days, and then the shrimp paste is traditionally packaged using typical dry leaves. The proximate analysis shows that the shrimp paste contains 34.00% of protein, 4.10% of fat, 24.00% of moisture, and 13.9% of ash. The dominant essential amino acids are lysine (2.85%), leucine (2.34%) and valine (1.6%), whereas the non-essential amino acids are glutamate (3.40%), asparatic (2.32%) and alanine (1.58%).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Max R. Wenno, Jusuf Leiwakabessy, Martha L. Wattimena, J. Tupan, Kesya Parinussa

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