Flour derived from mole crabs (Hippa, sp) can be used as ingredients in making snack sticks. Snack sticks are savory long flat cakes with a crunchy texture. The study aimed to analyze the physico-chemical characteristics of the mole crab flour and the sticks snack. The method used was an experimental approach by analyzing some parameters of the materials. Firstly, the physical characteristics comprised texture, smell, taste, and color. Secondly, chemical characteristics included the content of water, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate (by difference) and minerals. In terms of minerals, the analysis was divided into two parts, namely the contents of Ca, Mg, Fe from flour and those from snack sticks. The result shows that the physical characteristics of mole crab flour are dry, smooth, not lumpy, clean. The flour also has a marine specific odor and light brown color. The chemical characteristics contain 18,69% of water, 16,33% of ash, 7,83% of lipid, 40,48% of protein, 16,67% of carbohydrates. Moreover, the minerals are 26,52 mg/gr of Ca, 10,20 mg/gr of Mg, and 0,04 mg/gr of Fe. The processed snack sticks are physically characterized by a dry and firm texture. In addition, the snack is brown with a typical shrimp taste. It contains 3,5% of water, 25,63% of ash, 17,4% of lipid, 13,87% of protein, 39,6% of carbohydrates. Furthermore, the mineral comprises 28,85 mg/gr of calcium, 11,50 mg/gr of magnesium, 26,99 mg/gr of potassium, 0,22 mg/gr of iron, and 0,31 mg/gr of Zinc.
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