Lobster is one of the important economic commodities for export and local consumption. Panulirus versicolor is a sea water lobster that has tender meat, high protein content, and low fat, cholesterol and salt content. The research was conducted to determine the protein content, amino acid profile and protein quality of fresh lobster bambu (Panulirus versicolor). Parameters tested were protein content, amino acid profile, chemistry score/amino acid score and prediction of the protein efficiency ratio (P-PER). The results showed that the bambu lobster meat has 15,8% protein content, 15 amino acid consists of 9 essential amino acids and 6 non essential amino acids. The highest essential amino acid content was arginine, 12,42%, and the lowest was treonine at 1,7%. The highest non essential amino acid was glutamic acid at 7,06% while the lowest was tyrosine at 1,4%. The limiting amino acid was methionine. The protein quality of the lobster bambu (Panulirus versicolor) is categorized as medium protein quality.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Vonda Milca N. Lalopua, Bernita Br Silaban, Febe F. Gaspers, Stansa Labobar

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