Smoked fish that is left open will easily decay, so the shelf life is relatively short, therefore it is necessary to coat it using chitosan to extend the shelf life. Coating is a thin layer made to coat food ingredients and can be consumed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of chitosan coating as an edible coating which was applied to smoked tuna with a dyeing technique stored at room temperature. The application of chitosan as an edible coating on smoked tuna using a dyeing technique with a concentration of 2% can maintain a product with a shelf life untill 4 days at room temperature. The microbiological quality of smoked tuna coated with chitosan had a total bacterial value of 1.35 x 104 CFU/g, Staphylococcus aureus was not found, and a total mold value of 7.25 x 103 CFU/g.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Venesya Souhoka, Meigy Nelce Mailoa, Adrianus O. W. Kaya

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