Study on the Quality and Quantity of Public Well Water in Huse Hamlet, Sanahu Village, Elpaputih District, West Seram Regency
Kajian Kualitas dan Kuantitas Air Sumur Umum di Dusun Huse Desa Sanahu Kecamatan Elpaputih Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat
Water is a vital natural resource for human life; however, ensuring its availability in sufficient quantity and good quality remains a challenge, especially in rural areas. This study aims to evaluate the quality and quantity of public well water in Dusun Huse, Sanahu Village, Elpaputih District, West Seram Regency, based on the standards set in Permenkes No. 416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990. The research employs a descriptive approach with an analysis of the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of well water, as well as an assessment of water quantity based on the local community's needs. The results indicate that, physically, the well water remains within acceptable quality standards, with safe levels of color, turbidity, and total dissolved solids (TDS). However, from a chemical perspective, several parameters exceed the permissible limits, such as iron (Fe) at 2.06 mg/L and chloride (Cl) at 1836 mg/L, requiring further treatment. Biologically, the total coliform and fecal coliform levels reach 240 MPN, far exceeding the allowable standard, although Escherichia coli was not detected. In terms of quantity, the well water supply in Dusun Huse generally meets the community's needs, with most respondents stating that water availability is sufficient to abundant. However, seasonal variations due to tidal fluctuations can affect well water volume. Therefore, better water management strategies are needed, including filtration systems, improved clean water distribution infrastructure, and increased public awareness of water conservation. This study is expected to provide practical recommendations for improving access to and quality of clean water for the people of Dusun Huse.