Folk Dialogue Sebagai Modal Sosial Dalam Mewujudkan Perdamaian Islam-Kristen Di Maluku
Folk Dialogue as Social Capital in Achieving Islamic-Christian Peace in Maluku
Folk dialogue conducted post-conflict serves as social capital for achieving peace in Maluku. Religious dialogue today is often carried out formally by spiritual leaders and government institutions (the elites). During the Christian-Islam conflict, it was realized that society lived in tension, with frequent massacres among people, and religion itself seemed to lose its existence. Religion was perceived as a trigger for the conflict dynamics in Maluku, involving violence between Christians and Muslims, leading to division. This disintegration within the community is evident in daily life, with the emergence of religious identity symbols, such as the terms "salam" (for Muslims) and "sarani" (for Christians), the restriction of social interactions, and the segregation of areas based on religion. Thus, analyzing folk dialogue is crucial for the central Maluku community in maintaining cultural networks (Islam-Christian relations) during and after the conflict.
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