Makna Religi Tradisi Nyadran dan Atraksi Pencak Silat di Desa Abar abir

Religious Meaning of Nyadran Tradition and Pencak Silat Attractions in Abar Abir Village

  • Dahliyatul Khilmiyyah Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Bagus Wahyu Setyawan
Keywords: Religious Meaning, Nyadran Tradition, Attractions


A tradition can be understood as a custom passed down through generations and still practised within a community. The most fundamental aspect of a tradition is the transmission of information from one generation to the next, whether written or oral, because, without this, a tradition will become extinct and will not evolve. There are many different traditions passed down in each region, such as in the village of Abar Abir in Gresik Regency, where the Nyadran and Pencak Silat traditions are practised. These traditions, handed down through generations, carry significant religious meanings and ancestral legacies, ensuring that future generations can continue them.


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How to Cite
Khilmiyyah, D., & Setyawan, B. (2023). Makna Religi Tradisi Nyadran dan Atraksi Pencak Silat di Desa Abar abir. Lani: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Sejarah Dan Budaya, 4(2), 76-79.