Coastal development strategy of Liang Village as tourism object area has
not been implemented properly, where the role of government is very dominant
compared to the community and the absence of an ideal concept resulted in many
problems that arise. This study aims to determine the strategies implemented by
Local Government with the community in developing coastal village of Liang as
tourism object area. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach using
observation process along with interview where the subject of research is Head of
Tourism Product and Business Department of Tourism and Creative Economy of
Maluku Province, Head of Liang Village, Community of Traders at Liang Village
Beach. The research instrument is self-researcher and to test and check the validity
of data used used source triangulation technique.
The results of this study provide an illustration that the supporting factors
in the development of coastal Liang Village is to have the potential of tourist
attraction or tourism object in the form of coastal areas are quite wide and long,
the public support for tourism development and the government's concern in
tourism development. Inhibiting factors are land ownership status which resulted
in the development process of coastal areas is limited, public awareness is not
good about the tourism awareness and charm, the limited facilities and
infrastructure of tourism, and limited funds available in the development of
coastal areas as the object of coastal tourism. Strategy that must be developed is
formulation strategy by making scale development priority that is making product
marketing and implementation strategy by applying of management function that
is institutional strengthening.
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