Lola snail (Rochia nilotica) are marine biological resources that have important economic value, but their production tends to decrease from year to year. Research to assess the size distribution, density and potential of lola snail (R. nilotica) was carried out in the waters of Rhun Island, Banda District, Central Maluku Regency from September – December 2020. Sampling was carried out in three zones, namely the seagrass zone, flat reef and edge reef using a quadratic linear transect placed parallel to the coastline. A total of 350 quadrants measuring 5 x 5 m were placed on the transect line for each zone. Each individual found in the quadrant had its diameter measured and weighed and then returned to its original place. During the research, 372 individual lola snail (R. nilotica) were found with a diameter size range of 11.6 – 118.9 mm ( = 60.98 mm) and a weight size range of 4.78 – 449.92 g ( = 171.69 g) where the largest size is owned by individuals in the edge reef zone while the smallest size is found in the seagrass zone. The highest density is in the edge reef zone and the lowest is in the seagrass zone. Based on the number of individuals, the highest potential for lola snail (R. nilotica) is in the flat reef zone and the lowest potential is in the edge reef zone. On the other hand, based on biomass, the lola snail (R. nilotica) has the greatest potential in the edge reef area, while the smallest potential is in the seagrass zone. Based on legal standards diameter, only lola snail in the edge reef zone may be exploited with a sustainable potential of 467 individuals (148.45 kg) with a total allowable catch of 374 individuals (118.76 kg).
Siput lola (Rochia nilotica) merupakan sumberdaya hayati laut yang bernilai ekonomis penting namun produksinya cendeRhung menuRhun dari tahun ke tahun. Penelitian untuk mengkaji distribusi ukuran, kepadatan dan potensi siput lola (R. nilotica) dilakukan di perairan Pulau Rhun, Kecamatan Banda, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah dari bulan September – Desember 2020. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tiga zona yaitu zona lamun, flat reef dan edge reef dengan menggunakan transek linear kuadrat yang diletakan sejajar garis Pantai. Sebanyak 350 kuadran berukuran 5 x 5 m diletakan pada transek untuk masing-masing zona. Setiap individu yang ditemukan dalam kuadran diukur diameternya dan ditimbang beratnya kemudian dikembalikan ke tempat asalnya. Selama penelitian ditemukan 372 individu siput lola (R. nilotica) dengan kisaran ukuran diameter 11,6 – 118,9 mm ( = 60,98 mm) dan kisaran ukuran berat 4,78 – 449,92 g ( = 171,69 g) dimana ukuran terbesar dimiliki oleh individu di zona edge reef sedangkan ukuran terkecil ditemukan pada zona lamun. Kepadatan tertinggi terdapat pada zona edge reef dan terendah terdapat pada zona lamun. Berdasarkan jumlah individu, potensi tertinggi siput lola (R. nilotica) berada pada zona flat reef dan potensi terendah berada pada zona edge reef. Sebaliknya, berdasarkan biomassa potensi terbesar dimiliki oleh siput lola (R. nilotica) pada daerah edge reef sedangkan potensi terkecil pada zona lamun. Berdasarkan ukuran legal, hanya siput lola pada zona edge reef yang boleh dieksploitasi dengan potensi lestari sebesar 467 individu (148,45 kg) dengan jumlah tangkapan yang diperbolehkan sebesar 374 individu (118,76 kg).
Kata Kunci: Siput lola, distribusi ukuran, kepadatan, potensi, Pulau Rhun
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Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Siahainenia, Rustamin M Lamuhamad, Alex S W Retraubun, Debby A J Selanno, Jesaja A Pattikawa

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