The review process for the Huele: Journal of Applied Linguistics, Literature and Culture is designed to ensure a rigorous evaluation of submitted manuscripts while maintaining the integrity and quality of published research. The process is as follows:

1. Initial Submission

  • Manuscript Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system, including all required components (manuscript, title page, abstract, keywords, and cover letter).
  • Preliminary Review: The editorial team conducts an initial review to assess the manuscript's alignment with the journal's focus and scope, as well as its adherence to submission guidelines. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be returned to the authors without further review.

2. Assignment of Reviewers

  • Selection of Reviewers: If the manuscript passes the preliminary review, the editor assigns it to two to three expert reviewers in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and familiarity with the subject matter.
  • Double-Blind Review: The review process is double-blind, meaning that both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other to minimize bias.

3. Review Process

  • Review Criteria: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on the following criteria:
    • Originality and significance of the research
    • Clarity and coherence of the writing
    • Methodological rigor and appropriateness
    • Relevance and accuracy of the literature review
    • Contribution to the field of applied linguistics, literature, and culture
    • Quality of conclusions and implications for practice or future research
  • Feedback: Reviewers provide constructive feedback and may recommend one of the following actions:
    • Accept as is
    • Minor revisions required
    • Major revisions required
    • Reject

4. Author Revisions

  • Revision Invitation: If revisions are required, the editorial team sends the reviewers' comments and recommendations to the authors, along with a deadline for resubmission.
  • Resubmission: Authors revise their manuscripts in response to the feedback and submit the revised version through the online system, including a detailed response letter addressing each comment made by the reviewers.

5. Second Review

  • Reviewer Evaluation of Revisions: The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers for a second evaluation. They assess whether the authors have adequately addressed their comments and suggestions.
  • Final Decision: Based on the reviewers' feedback on the revisions, the editor makes a final decision regarding publication. The possible outcomes include:
    • Accept
    • Accept with minor revisions
    • Reject

6. Notification of Decision

  • Communication: The editorial team communicates the final decision to the authors, along with any additional comments from the reviewers or editors. If accepted, the authors will receive further instructions regarding the publication process.

7. Publication

  • Final Formatting: Accepted manuscripts undergo final formatting and proofreading before publication.
  • Copyright Agreement: Authors must sign a copyright transfer agreement, granting the journal the right to publish and distribute their work.

8. Post-Publication

  • Feedback and Engagement: Authors are encouraged to engage with readers and respond to feedback on their published work.