The Role of Geographers in the Field of Health (A Health Study with a Geographical Approach)

Peran Geografer Dalam Bidang Kesehatan (Satu Kajian Kesehatan Dengan Pendekatan Geografi)

  • Melianus Salakory Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Role, Geographers, Field of Health


The book "Geography of Health: Applications of Science and Learning" contains ideas, thoughts, concepts, and several research findings that, when integrated and implemented, have given birth to and justified the emergence of health geography, which has so far developed only at the level of academic discussion. This book was created amidst the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a domino effect globally, impacting individuals, groups, and nations alike. The method used in the book is a book review. This review includes a synopsis, a brief overview of the book with citations, an analysis of the book's strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations. "Geography of Health: Applications of Science and Learning" consists of six chapters. The introductory section discusses the concept of geography as a study of the geosphere, introduces the Maluku region as an archipelago with a predominance of small islands, addresses the issues of small islands and the urgency of solving them, discusses the position of health geography in the curriculum of the Geography Education Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Pattimura University, and explores the application of geographical science and learning in the health field with two research studies related to environment-associated diseases (Soil-Transmitted Helminths and Early Warning for Malaria Outbreaks).


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Brooker S, C. A. (2006). Brooker S, Clements A C A, Bundy D A P., 2006. Global Epidemiolgy, Ecology, and Control of Soil Transmitted Helminth Infections. Advances In Parasitology, Vol 62, Elsevier Ltd, -.

Brooker S, M. E. (2000). The Potential Of Geographical Information Systems And Remote Sensing In The Epidemiology And Control Of Human Helminth Infection. PubMed, PMID: 10997209 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE), -.

Brooker S, M. E. (2004). Spatial Analysis Of The Distribution Of Intestinal Nematode Infections In Uganda. Epidemiol Infect, PMID: 15635963 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE], -.

Brooker S, M. E. (2004). Spatial Analysis Of The Distribution Of Intestinal Nematode Infections In Uganda. Epidemiol Infect, PMID: 15635963 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE), -.

Penanganan Covid-19:

Salakory Melianus. 2010.Beberapa aspek ekoepidemiologi dan dinamika populasi geohelminths serta prevalensi dan distribusinya di perdesaan Pulau Ambon Maluku, Disertasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada, index.php?mod= penelitian_detail⊂=PenelitianDetail&act=view&typ=html&buku_id=49491

Salakory Melianus. 2012. Pengembangan Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini Malaria Berbasis Sistem Informasi Lingkungan (EIS-EWSM) Bagi Pengambilan Kebijakan Di Daerah Endemis Pedesaan Pulau Ambon, Media Medika Indonesiana, MMI Volume 46 Issue 3, Https://Ejournal.Undip.Ac.Id/Index.Php/Mmi/Issue/View/1035

How to Cite
Salakory, M. (2023). The Role of Geographers in the Field of Health (A Health Study with a Geographical Approach). GEOFORUM, 2(1), 33-40.