Perbandingan Komponen Aktif Minyak Atsiri dari Daging Buah Pala Kering Cabinet Dryer Melalui Metode Distilasi Air dan Air-Uap

  • Sophia G Sipahelut Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura. Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena Kampus Poka Ambon 97233
Keywords: distillation method, essential oil component, GC-MS, nutmeg fruit flesh


The demand for essential oils has increased recently due to the growing of parfume, cosmetic, pharacentical, food and beverage, natural flavourings, medicines, aroma therapy, as well as non-food industries. Nutmeg fruit flesh is one of the potential sources of essential oils which can be obtained by both water distilation and water-steam distillation. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectometry (GC-MS) is a dynamic analytical method to separate and to detect volatile compounds in a mixture. This study was aimed to compare active components of essential oils from cabinet dryer-dried nutmeg fruit flesh by water distillation and water-steam distillation. Results showed that 28 compounds were detected in essential oils of nutmeg flesh by water distillation, while 31 were identified in oil by water-steam distillation. Compounds identified with higher intensity in oil by water distillation were α-pinene (15.8%), β-pinene (12.0%), limonene (7.5%), δ-terpinene (8.7%), terpinene-4 -ol (14.4%), α-terpineol (4.9%), and myristicin (15.6%). The similar compounds were also detected in oil by water-steam distillation but in different quantities such as 13,3%, 8,8%, 7,2%, 8,7%, 15,6%, 7,7%, 13,5%, respectively.

Keywords: distillation method, essential oil component, GC-MS, nutmeg fruit flesh



Perkembangan industri parfum, kosmetik, farmasi, makanan dan minuman, penyedap alami, obat-obatan, aroma terapi, maupun industri bukan makanan semakin tahun semakin meningkat yang berakibat meningkatnya kebutuhan minyak atsiri. Daging buah pala menjadi salah satu potensi sumber minyak atsiri yang dapat diperoleh melalui metode distilasi (distilasi air dan distilasi air-uap). Kromatografi Gas Spectrometer Massa (GC-MS) merupakan metode yang dinamis untuk pemisahan dan deteksi senyawa-senyawa yang mudah menguap dalam suatu campuran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan komponen senyawa aktif minyak atsiri dari daging buah pala kering cabinet dryer yang diperoleh dari distilasi air dan distilasi air-uap menggunakan GC-MS. Hasil analisis GC-MS minyak atsiri daging buah pala yang diperoleh melalui distilasi air terdapat 28 senyawa, sedangkan dengan distilasi air-uap diperoleh 31 senyawa. Intensitas tertinggi pada metode distilasi air teridentifikasi sebagai senyawa α-pinene (15,8%), β-pinene (12,0%), limonene (7,5%), δ-terpinene (8,7%), Terpinene-4-ol (14,4%), α-terpineol (4,9%), dan myristicin (15,6%), sedangkan intensitas tertinggi pada metode distilasi air-uap teridentifikasi sebagai senyawa α-pinene (13,3%), β-pinene (8,8%), Limonene (7,2%), δ-terpinene (8,7%), terpinene-4-ol (15,6%), α-terpineol (7,7%), dan myristicin (13,5%).

Kata kunci: daging buah pala, GC-MS, komponen minyak atsiri, metode distilasi


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How to Cite
Sipahelut, S. (2019). Perbandingan Komponen Aktif Minyak Atsiri dari Daging Buah Pala Kering Cabinet Dryer Melalui Metode Distilasi Air dan Air-Uap. AGRITEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 8(1), 8-13.