Liang Teh Pontianak Kaya Antioksidan Pada Berbagai Formulasi Substitusi Massa Rasio Jahe Gamprit

Liang Tea Pontianak Rich in Antioxidants with Various of Formulations of Gamprit Ginger Mass Ratio Substitution

  • Amoria S Ramadhani Jurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak 78124 Indonesia
  • Yohana S K Dewi Jurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak 78124 Indonesia
  • Nur E Saputri Jurusan Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Tanjungpura, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak 78124 Indonesia
Keywords: Antioxidant, gamprit, LTP, mass ratio


Liang Tea Pontianak (LTP) is a rich antioxidant herbal tea composed of a mixture of several plant ingredients, including muje leaves (Dicliptera chinensis), oregano leaves (Origanum vulgare), pineapple shell leaves (Tradescantia spathacea), pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius), and aloe vera (Aloe vera chinensis). Adding ginger to Liang Tea Pontianak has not been explored, but the ginger mixture has an innovative, antioxidant-rich flavor in LTP. This research aimed to obtain the mass ratio of ginger substitution in the formulation that produces the best sensory and physicochemical characteristics of antioxidant-rich LTP. This study employed a Randomized Group Design with a single factor, comprising five treatment levels of ginger mass ratio substitution in LTP ((2:0), (1.9:0.1), (1.8:0.2), (1.7:0.3), and (1.6:0.4)) with five replications. The results showed that the best sensory and physicochemical characteristics of Liang Tea Pontianak with ginger substitution were obtained in the treatment of 1.8:0.2, which exhibited the best sensory test values for color 4,24 ± 0,83 (more liked), aroma 3.76 ± 0,97 (liked), and taste 3.56 ± 0,92 (liked). The physicochemical analysis yielded the following values: L* color (31.90 ± 2,08), a* color (3.20 ± 0,81), b* color (5.70 ± 0,53), total flavonoids 82.71 ± 6,16 mg QE/g, and antioxidant activity 78.90 ± 4,40%.


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How to Cite
Ramadhani, A., Dewi, Y., & Saputri, N. (2024). Liang Teh Pontianak Kaya Antioksidan Pada Berbagai Formulasi Substitusi Massa Rasio Jahe Gamprit. AGRITEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 13(1), 92-101.