Digital Revolution In Public Communication Management: A Review Of Opportunities And Challenges For Maluku Regional Police Public Relations In The Digital Era
The role of public communication management has undergone significant changes in the digital era, particularly within law enforcement institutions such as the Maluku Regional Police. This article aims to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with public communication management in the Maluku Regional Police. By employing qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews, observations, and document studies as data collection techniques, this article identifies various opportunities and challenges emerging alongside the digital revolution. Through a synthesis of available literature, this review considers the potential benefits offered by digital platforms such as social media, online news portals, and mobile applications in strengthening transparent communication, community engagement, and building public trust. However, significant challenges are also evident. Issues such as misinformation, privacy concerns, and the necessity for swift responses to online crises are focal points of discussion. Additionally, this article highlights the challenges posed by the digital revolution within the Maluku Regional Police (POLDA Maluku), including aspects such as digital government readiness, availability of ICT infrastructure, leadership influence, as well as organizational culture, and work environment. In confronting these challenges, it is hoped that POLDA Maluku can expand accessibility and improve digital infrastructure, develop digital transformation strategies, and establish regulations to finance and support digital transformation. Thus, this article offers a holistic perspective on the opportunities and challenges faced in public communication management within the Maluku Regional Police amid the current digital era.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kevin Chrisya Siregar, Yustina Sopacua, Ronald Alfredo

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