The Crackers of Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF) and Cowpea Flour: Chemical and Sensory Properties

  • Zahra J Artina Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia
  • Dewi F Ayu Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia
  • Rahmayuni Rahmayuni Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia
Keywords: Crackers, cowpea flour, MOCAF


Crackers are a type of snack that people of all ages like. They come in many different shapes and flavors and are sold in a lot of places. This research aimed to determine the best formulation of crackers using modified cassava flour (MOCAF) and cowpea flour based on their chemical and sensory properties. A completely randomized experimental design with five treatments and three replications was performed. The treatments were MKT0 (100 g MOCAF), MKT1 (90 g MOCAF:10 g cowpea flour), MKT2 (80 g MOCAF:20 g cowpea flour), MKT3 (70 g MOCAF:30 g cowpea flour), and MKT4 (60 g MOCAF:40 g cowpea flour). Chemical content (moisture, ash, protein, and fat), color analysis with a chromameter, and sensory assessment were observed. Based on the results obtained, 70 g MOCAF:30 g cowpea flour was the best treatment, which had 4.70% moisture, 1.76% ash, 8.34% protein, 17.79% fat, 77.59 L*, 6.46 a*, and 26.57 b* values in the color analysis. The crackers had a cream-brown color, a cowpea aroma, a cowpea taste, and a crunchy texture. The panelists also favored the overall hedonic assessment of the MKT3 crackers with a score of 1.60 (like).


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Author Biographies

Zahra J Artina, Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia

Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia

Rahmayuni Rahmayuni, Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia

Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Kampus Bina Widya Km 12.5 Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru 28293, Riau, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Artina, Z., Ayu, D., & Rahmayuni, R. (2023). The Crackers of Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAF) and Cowpea Flour: Chemical and Sensory Properties. AGRITEKNO: Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 12(1), 57-64.