• Regita Putri Permata Department of Data Science, School of Computing, Telkom University Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Amri Muhaimin Department of Data Science, Faculty of Computer Science, UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur, Indonesia
  • Sri Hidayati Department of Information System, School of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Exponential Smoothing, Forecasting, Hybrid, Neural Network, Rainfall


Rainfall forecasting is crucial in agriculture, water resource management, urban planning, and disaster preparation. Traditional approaches fail to capture complicated and intermittent rainfall patterns. The “Hybrid Exponential Smoothing Neural Network” is introduced in this study to handle intermittent rainfall forecasting issues. Exponential Smoothing, an established approach for discovering underlying patterns and seasonal fluctuations in time series data, is combined with Neural Networks, which are good at capturing complex linkages and nonlinearities. Using these two methods, this model hopes to deliver a complete rainfall forecasting solution that accounts for short-term changes and long-term patterns. This research uses residuals from the exponential smoothing model and is modeled using a Neural Network. The residual input is transformed using rolling mean. The results show that the hybrid model is able to capture patterns well, but there are still patterns that experience time lag. Experimental results obtained reveal that the hybrid methodology performs better than the model exponential smoothing, implying that the proposed model hybrid synergy approach can be used as an alternative solution to the rainfall time series forecasting. The results show that the Hybrid method can form patterns better than individual exponential smoothing models or neural networks. The RMSSE values for all areas are 1.0185, 1.55092, 1.0872.


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How to Cite
R. Permata, A. Muhaimin, and S. Hidayati, “RAINFALL FORECASTING WITH AN INTERMITTENT APPROACH USING HYBRID EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING NEURAL NETWORK”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 0457-0466, Mar. 2024.