Publisher Collaboration

BAREKENG : Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications, published by Pattimura University, had signed the collaboration with the Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS). This association is a forum for mathematicians, educators, users, and enthusiasts of mathematics, with the name The Indonesian Mathematical Society abbreviated as IndoMS. IndoMS as one of the professional organizations for Indonesian mathematicians was established on July 15th, 1976 in Bandung. IndoMS now has been published in several reputable national and international journals such as JIMS, JME, JIAMS, and JStat. In addition, IndoMS also collaborates with all the Mathematics Study Programs, Mathematics Education Study Programs, Statistics Study Programs, and Computer Science Study Programs in various regions in Indonesia to encourage the development of scientific journals that publish by each Study Program in Indonesia and to accommodate scientific publications for all mathematicians. (Link of IndoMS website)

BAREKENG : Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications, has collaborated with IndoMS, in order to improve the quality of scientific publications and to build networking in the fields of mathematics and mathematics education. Collaboration established between BAREKENG : Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications and IndoMS was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Editor in Chief of BAREKENG : Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications (Yopi Andry Lesnussa, S.Si., M.Si.) and President of IndoMS Period 2018-2020 (Prof. Dr. Basuki Widodo, M.Sc.) took place at the Auditorium of Rectorate Building in Pattimura University, on February 14th, 2019, together with the announcement of the IndoMS Maluku Region period 2018-2020 and committee of KNM XX 2020. (Link of MoU between Barekeng and IndoMS)

The following are logos of Pattimura University and IndoMS, which also serves as a link to their respectives websites.