• Irene Devi Damayanti Study Program Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Christian University of Indonesia, Toraja, Indonesia
  • Aryo Michael Study Program Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Christian University of Indonesia, Toraja, Indonesia
Keywords: Coffee fruit ripeness, Digital image processing, Image histogram; K-Nearest Neighbor, Rapidminer


Coffee has a very important role in the Indonesian economy, as one of the country's foreign exchange contributors in the plantation sector. Therefore, coffee processing is very important in determining the quality of coffee. The procedure for choosing and evaluating the coffee fruit's physical quality is one of the most crucial steps. The step of determining the maturity level of coffee fruit is carried out using the image histogram and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method. This research uses the KNN algorithm with classification stages that will show the level of accuracy value according to the value of k = 5 used when processing the classification of coffee fruit image data. In order to complete this step, the features of the coffee fruit are identified using its color. The qualities of quality coffee fruit, which is flawlessly red in color. Twenty images total—ten of which are of ripe coffee fruit and ten of which are of raw coffee fruit—were used in this study. The test results were carried out using rapidminer tools using 40% training data and 60% testing data from the total data set. Based on the test results, it gives an accuracy value of 100%, meaning that the data set can be used in the next stage as valid data to be used.


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How to Cite
I. Damayanti and A. Michael, “DETERMINATION OF COFFEE FRUIT MATURITY LEVEL USING IMAGE HISTOGRAM AND K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 0785-0796, May 2024.