• Helda Yunita Taihuttu Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
  • Lailan Syaufina Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, Indonesia
Keywords: Forest and Land Fire, Prediction Model, Random Forest Regressor, Randomized Search CV, Soil Moisture


Soil moisture is one of the factors that has recently become the focus of research because it is strongly correlated with forest and land fires, where low soil moisture will increase drought and the incidence of forest and land fires. For this reason, this study aims to create a prediction model for soil moisture as an early prevention of fires in peatlands using the Random Forest Regressor (RFR) algorithm. RFR is used because of its ability to predict values and its resistance to overfitting and outliers. A dataset covering soil moisture, precipitation, temperature, maturity, and peat thickness was collected from August 2019 to December 2023. The data includes soil moisture, precipitation, temperature, maturity, and peat thickness. The data were divided into 80% for modeling and 20% for testing. Model performance was optimized through random search CV, resulting in significant prediction accuracy R-squared: 0.914, MAE: 0.0081, MSE: 0.0007, RMSE: 0 .0271, and MAPE: 0.969. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of RFR in soil moisture prediction and pave the way for more appropriate and timelier implementation of fire mitigation strategies.


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How to Cite
H. Taihuttu, I. Sitanggang, and L. Syaufina, “SOIL MOISTURE PREDICTION MODEL IN PEATLAND USING RANDOM FOREST REGRESSOR”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2505-2516, Oct. 2024.