• R Ponraj Department of Mathematics, Sri Paramakalyani College, India
  • S Prabhu Department of Mathematics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India
Keywords: F-Tree, Hurdle Graph, Key Graph, Lotus Graph, Necklace Graph, Subdivided Shell Graph, Uniform Bow Graph,Y-Tree


Let  be a graph with  vertices and  edges. Define and . Consider a mapping  by assigning different labels in  to the different elements of  when is even and different labels in  to elements of V and repeating a label for the remaining one vertex when  is odd. The labeling as defined above is said to be a pair mean cordial labeling if for each edge  of G, there exists a labeling   if  is even and   if  is odd such that | |≤1 where  and  respectively denote the number of edges labeled with 1 and the number of edges not labeled with 1. A graph G for which there is a pair mean cordial labeling is called pair mean cordial graph(PMC-graph). In this paper, we investigate the pair mean cordial labeling of some graphs like hurdle graph, lotus graph, necklace graph, F-tree, Y-tree, subdivided shell graph, uniform bow graph and key graph.


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How to Cite
R. Ponraj and S. Prabhu, “PAIR MEAN CORDIAL LABELING OF HURDLE, KEY, LOTUS, AND NECKLACE GRAPHS”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2795-2804, Oct. 2024.