• Helda Handayani Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: geothermometer equation, reservoir temperature, hot springs


Suli hot springs area has a low level of acidity or neutral pH ranges (7,2–7,7). It is also supported by a high chloride concentration value, which ranges (208,87-226,27) ppm. This
shows that the area on station 1, 2, 3, and 4 are located in areas with water flow into the upper reservoir (upflow) and belongs to hot water domination reservoir tipe (water heated
reservoir). Reservoir temperature is calculated by the formula geotermometer (SiO2)p considered whether applied in the four kinds geotermometer equation because it gives the calculation results are not much different temperature and has a value of rms-error is less than 2%. Reservoir temperature at a hot springs station Suli possible temperature (161 ± 0,9)oC. Reservoir temperature at station 2 hot spring Suli possible hot water temperature (172 ± 1,0)oC. Reservoir temperature at station 3 hot springs Suli possible temperature (171 ±
0,9)oC. Reservoir temperature at station 4 hot springs Suli possible temperature (169 ± 1,0)oC.


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How to Cite
H. Handayani, “PENERAPAN PERSAMAAN GEOTERMOMETER (SiO2)p DI LAPANGAN PANAS BUMI SULI, AMBON”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 33-36, Dec. 2012.