• Darlena Darlena Prodi Manajemen Informatika Akademi Manajemen Komputer dan Informatika (AMKI)
  • Ari Suparwanto Departemen Matematika FMIPA Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: Bentuk Kanonik Rasional, Bentuk Kanonik Jordan, Splitting Field


If the characteristic polynomial of a linear operator  is completely factored in scalar field of  then Jordan canonical form  of  can be converted to its rational canonical form  of , and vice versa. If the characteristic polynomial of linear operator  is not completely factored in the scalar field of  ,then the rational canonical form  of  can still be obtained but not its Jordan canonical form matrix . In this case, the rational canonical form  of  can be converted to its Jordan canonical form by extending the scalar field of  to Splitting Field of minimal polynomial   of , thus forming the Jordan canonical form of  over Splitting Field of  . Conversely, converting the Jordan canonical form  of  over Splitting Field of  to its rational canonical form uses symmetrization on the Jordan decomposition basis of  so as to form a cyclic decomposition basis of  which is then used to form the rational canonical matrix of


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How to Cite
D. Darlena and A. Suparwanto, “SIMETRISASI BENTUK KANONIK JORDAN”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 015-028, Mar. 2021.