• Sa'aadah Sajjana Carita Cryptographic Engineering Study Program, Cyber and State Crypto Polytechnic
  • Herman Kabetta Cryptographic Engineering Study Program, Cyber and State Crypto Polytechnic
Keywords: el gamal encryption, elliptic curve cryptography, pollard rho algorithm, negation map


El Gamal encryption was introduced in 1985 and is still commonly used today. Its hardness is based on a discrete logarithm problem defined over the finite abelian cyclic group group chosen in the original paper was but later it was proven that using the group of Elliptic Curve points could significantly reduce the key size required. The modified El Gamal encryption is dubbed its analog version. This analog encryption bases its hardness on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). One of the fastest attacks in cracking ECDLP is the Pollard Rho algorithm, with the expected number of iterations where is the number of points in the curve. This paper proposes a modification of the Pollard Rho algorithm using a negation map. The experiment was done in El Gamal analog encryption of elliptic curve defined over the field  with different values of small digit . The modification was expected to speed up the algorithm by  times. The average of speed up in the experiment was 1.9 times.


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How to Cite
S. Carita and H. Kabetta, “MODIFICATION OF POLLARD RHO ALGORITHM USING NEGATION MAPPING”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1159-1166, Dec. 2022.