• Ahmad Kamsyakawuni Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jember University
  • Abduh Riski Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jember University
  • Anisa Binti Khumairoh Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Jember University
Keywords: Crystal Guava Fruit, Fuzzy Mamdani, RGB Image, Ripeness Level


Crystal guava is one of Indonesia's flora diversity. The rind of the unripe crystal guava fruit is green, and the rind of the ripe crystal guava fruit is yellowish green. However, it is difficult to determine the ripeness of crystal guava due to the similar color of the fruit skin. Determining fruit ripeness is uncertain and therefore requires a way to deal with this uncertainty. One of the methods you can use is fuzzy Mamdani. In this study, the ripeness level of crystal guava is determined using fuzzy Mamdani. Crystal guava fruits fall into four ripeness categories: raw, half ripe, ripe, and very ripe. The data used is in the form of an RGB image separated from the background so that only crystal guava fruit objects are captured. The image of the fruit object was then extracted by looking for the median red, green, and blue at each pixel of the image. This value is used as input for the fuzzy Mamdani process. The fuzzy set and fuzzy rules that have been formed can be applied to determine the maturity level of crystal guava fruit by validating the results of 140 image data with an accuracy of 83,5%.


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How to Cite
A. Kamsyakawuni, A. Riski, and A. Khumairoh, “APPLICATION FUZZY MAMDANI TO DETERMINE THE RIPENESS LEVEL OF CRYSTAL GUAVA FRUIT”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1087-1096, Sep. 2022.