The background of this research is that student learning outcomes in analytical geometry lecture during the transition from pandemic to Covid-19 endemic are still low, which is due to a lack of student interest in learning, and they are still accustomed to online learning, thus having an impact on their low problem-solving skills and mathematical disposition. This research aims to determine to what extent the implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect can improve students' problem-solving skills and mathematical disposition in analytical geometry lecture during the transition from pandemic to endemic COVID-19, so the research is important to do. The implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect in mathematics learning is unique because it is a combination of learning approaches that have never been used before in Indonesia and other countries. The research method used was a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design because this research was experimental and sample determination was not carried out randomly, but using purposive sampling technique on the second-semester students of the mathematics undergraduate program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran. The instruments used in this study were problem-solving skills test, mathematical disposition scale, and students’ attitude questionnaire toward learning with the implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect. The results showed that: (1) problem-solving skills of students who received learning by implementing ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect are better than students who achieved direct instruction; (2) mathematical disposition of students who received learning by implementing ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect is better than students who achieved direct instruction; and (3) students are interested and motivated to learn mathematics by implementing ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect. This research concludes that the implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect can improve students' problem-solving skills and mathematical disposition in analytical geometry lecture during the transition period from the pandemic to endemic COVID-19. It can be seen from good average post test scores achieved by students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dianne Amor Kusuma, Budi Nurani Ruchjana, Sri Adi Widodo, Estiyan Dwipriyoko

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