• Yopi A. Lesnussa Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Pattimura
  • Henry J. Wattimanela Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Pattimura
  • Mozart W. Talakua Jurusan Matematika FMIPA Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Measure Space, Lebesgue Measure, Lebesgue Integral, Sifat-sifat Dasar EL-Integral.


EL-Integral is extended of Lebesgue integral, 1 k b EL f d L f d . Lebesgue integral is defined with early arrange measure theory that famous with Lebesgue measure. A function f :ï›a,bï is said EL-integrable on ï›a,bï , if there exist series interval that no piled up ï» ï½ k I in ï›a,bï so that ï€¨ï› , ï  0 k ï­ a b  I  ,   k f L I for every k and  1 Ik
A L f dï­  finite. Value A is called value of EL Integral function f on ï›a,bï . Extended of Lebesgue integral (EL-Integral) is notated  by :  kbE a k I EL f dï­ f dï­ L f dï­
     .


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How to Cite
Y. Lesnussa, H. Wattimanela, and M. Talakua, “SIFAT-SIFAT DASAR PERLUASAN INTEGRAL LEBESGUE”, BAREKENG: J. Math. & App., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 37-44, Dec. 2012.

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